Sunday, April 8, 2018

Review : Mission to Protect

Mission to Protect by Terri Reed

Genre: Love Inspired Romance, Mystery, Suspense,
Goodreads: Click
Purchase Link: Amazon | Kobo | BN
Pages: 224
Published April 1st 2018 by Love Inspired Suspense
Enter the world of the Military K-9 Unit
A riveting new series begins!

When the Red Rose Killer leaves his calling card for Staff Sergeant Felicity Monroe, she knows exactly what that means—she’s on his revenge list. Her boss, Master Sergeant Westley James, and K-9 German shepherd Dakota become her guardians, but they’ll have to act fast to escape the man who wants her dead.

The Red Rose killer broke loose and set loose the units K-9's. Now it seems that he is going after those who he see has wronged him and Sargent Felicity is one of those people. Now its up to her boss Sargent Westly and K-9 Dakota to watch out for her safety.

I loved that this book had plenty of mystery and suspense. There was so much going on in this book to keep things interesting. I loved watching that connection between Westly and Felicity and although the attraction was obvious I loved that it didn't overpower the book. The romance in this book was subtle and it was clean to if you love a bit of romance that is clean then this book might be for you. I loved that there was plenty of things to follow and leave the readers some what guessing about what is going on. I loved the aspect of having a K-9 and how it worked out in this book I thought it was pretty interesting. Overall a really great book I enjoyed it.

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