Friday, September 9, 2022

Shy Girls Can’t Date Billionaires

Shy Girls Can’t Date Billionaires by Milly Rose

Publication date: September 5th 2022
Genres: Comedy, Romance, Young Adult

I never existed until the wrong guy took notice…

I was born shy. And near him, I fall apart. No wonder he can’t stand the sight of me.

After a fire destroys our home, my family is taken in by a billionaire tycoon. His mansion has countless bedrooms, yet my room is next door to his son, Thomas Ashworth III. Yes, he’s as pompous as the name suggests. And, for some reason, he hates my guts.

Even though his arrogance drives me crazy, his chiseled features turn me into a stammering, awkward mess. I hate being stuck with someone I can’t stand. And when he does something unexpectedly kind, it confuses my heart.

When I bump into him in the middle of the night, I’d never guess it lead to us sharing secrets.

He’s impossible to get out of my head. But he wouldn’t consider dating someone like me. Would he?

You will love Christie and Ash. They are stuck together in forced proximity, becoming practically roommates. He is a billionaire, alpha male type who is learning to love. She is the new girl in school, dealing with past trauma. Together they will go from enemies to lovers in an adorable young adult romance.

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“Hi,” Thomas says, folding his arms across his chest. “What’s your first class?”

I stare at him as bags pull under my eyes. My lack of sleep and the adrenaline from panicking have taken their toll.

He unfolds his arms and tilts his head. “What’s up?” he asks.

I smooth my clammy palms over my blazer and fidget in my shoes.

“I told you, you don’t need to panic,” Thomas says, stepping closer to me. “This school is a piece of cake.”

I run a hand over my hair and turn my face away from him. I’m gonna lose it again. My insides contort with another urge to launch over a toilet bowl.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asks, placing a hand on my arm.

I jolt in surprise.

He removes his hand and takes a step back. “Sorry,” he says.

I look away. “It’s okay.”

Thomas smiles. “Glad you got your voice back.”

I blush, and mumble, “Me too.”

“Why do you look so freaked out?” he asks. “They showed you where to go, didn’t they?”

I shake my head. “Not exactly.”

“What happened when I left? Ms. Thornesmith usually handles everything, so I figured you wouldn’t have an issue.”

I fidget in my shoes again and turn my head in the other direction, staring at the closed bathroom door.

“A girl offered to show me around. Somewhere along the way, we kinda parted ways… I don’t have my schedule, and I don’t know where I’m going.” Huffing, I pause my ramble to throw my arms in the air. “I don’t know what classes I have… and I’m just lost again, like usual.”

“Don’t sweat it,” he says. “I’ll take you back to admin, and we’ll get you a new schedule. Then I’ll show you around.”

I cross my arms and let out a tired, “Humph.”


“You’ll show me around?” I say, looking at the floor. It is as confrontational as I get. It’s shocking the words have come out of my mouth.

I doubt he’d help me. Why would he?

“Christie, you need to know where you’re going. I’ll show you where to find your classrooms. It’s not a big deal.”

“It was a big deal earlier,” I say.

It’s baffling that I’m continuing with this conversation.

“Hey, I’m sorry,” he says, taking another step back. “My parents kind of threw this on me. I already had plans for this morning that I needed to follow through on.”

“Fine, whatever,” I say, crossing my arms in frustration. “You could have at least told your parents or me that you couldn’t show me around. If you had said you couldn’t help me, my mom would have come with me.” I pull my arms tighter across my midsection. “It’d be better than being alone.”

“I’m sorry you felt alone,” he says, taking a step forward. “But, be honest, you don’t exactly enjoy my company. I assumed you’d be relieved when I left.”

His words surprised me. I look up to meet his eyes, finding them filled with sincerity.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

He puffs a laugh and slides his hand into his trouser pockets. “Don’t act like you don’t hate when I’m around.”

I place a hand over my heart. “Me?”

“You’re always judging me.”

“I haven’t said anything bad to you.”

A nervous laugh seeps out of him. “You don’t have to say it. It’s in your eyes. I know you can’t stand me.”

Milly Rose is an animal-loving romance enthusiast with a swoon-inducing book formula. Shy girl + hot guy + first kisses. Her YA sweet romance books will have you falling in love every instalment. Milly Rose is the quintessential shy girl, who you can contact via her mailing list and reply to her monthly email blasts! Milly spends her days vying for her cat’s affection, dreaming up her next book boyfriend, and writing a fun meet-cute under candlelight with a lovely brewed cup of tea.


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