Monday, September 16, 2024

The Celestial Contract

The Celestial Contract by Elizabeth Boyer, W.B. Dineen

Publication date: August 14th 2024
Genres: Metaphysical and Visionary Fiction

Thousands of years ago, Earth was hijacked by a self-appointed group of puppet masters. Their objective? To keep humanity from remembering why we have incarnated onto our planet—to keep us ignorant of the contract we signed with God before we came.

The powers-that-be have created and perpetrated falsehoods, distractions, and illusions, so we no longer have any idea what life on Earth is supposed to be—what reality truly is. We struggle with the most basic principles of living, unaware the game has changed.

An evolution is coming that will alter the landscape of civilization forever. If we want to evolve, we need to wake up now, and honor our covenant with the Divine. The alternative is being cast into eternal darkness.

The Celestial Contract is a harrowing story of what is happening in our world today. It explains who we are, why we’re here, and why we have lost all control over our lives.

“The information in this book blew my mind! I’ve searched for answers to philosophical questions about why we (humans) are on Earth, and what our purpose is … I’m both surprised and delighted by the answers. I want another book stat!”
– USA Today Bestselling author, Diana Orgain

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My life’s journey has encompassed many challenges. Challenges that have underscored the knowledge that there is a bigger landscape of existence than what is seen on the surface—we’re born into families, we go to school to learn, then we get jobs, get married, have kids, and the cycle keeps repeating ad nauseam.

While I had accomplished the seemingly expected tasks, my life still seemed devoid of purpose. I was left with the following questions: Why am I doing this? What is it all about? Who is in charge and where can I register my complaint that I am not fulfilled? I want more.

Growing up in the Catholic Church, going exclusively to Catholic schools, I didn’t learn any of the information I was seeking. I was essentially told, “This is the way it is. Don’t ask questions. Just accept your instructions and live within the confines of them.” While some of what I was taught rang true, I instinctively knew it wasn’t the full story.

In my search for enlightenment, I read copious books, took many courses, and listened to every expert I could find who spoke on the idea of a deeper meaning to life. I learned about things my upbringing would have eschewed as heresy, but as I didn’t fully trust religious indoctrination, I needed to find out what else was out there.

In a bid to understand why I’m on this planet and what my bigger purpose is, I pried open my mind and entertained a multitude of possibilities. I participated in past life regression; I visited psychics and other clairvoyants; I spoke to shamans and other holy people outside of Christianity; and still, I couldn’t assimilate a vision I could totally get behind.

During this time, when I had no money to spare, I was drawn to spend ten thousand dollars to attend hypnotherapy school. It was an absurd amount for someone who sold her platelets at the blood bank just to gather enough vouchers to take her child to Disneyland.

Ten thousand dollars was a king’s ransom to me and could have alleviated many of my day-to-day struggles. The fact that I was willing to take out a student loan to pay for it confirmed the rightness of my attraction to hypnotherapy. No amount of money seemed too much if it meant continuing my path to enlightenment.

Long after graduating, I began working with a woman who was facing her life’s greatest challenge. She was distressed because her body was unable to carry a pregnancy to term and she desired nothing more than to understand why she couldn’t attain her heart’s desire.

While “in state” during hypnosis, it became clear that my client, Emma, was attracting other presences. Worrying they might not all be benevolent, we began a process of weeding through the curious entities who wanted to take part in our sessions.

That’s when Emma’s spirit guide introduced herself to my client and created the rule for protection. The rule being, if Therie (as she called herself) wasn’t present during the attempted communication, then Emma was to walk away and not participate in it.

You might wonder why Emma would trust a random spirit who just showed up during hypnosis. How did Emma know she was safe? My client had been interested in spiritual endeavors since she was a child, and during a particularly rough patch, a beautiful woman showed up in her dreams to offer comfort and encouragement. This woman was Therie.

When she awoke, Emma didn’t remember anything but the feeling of pure love and joy she had experienced during that encounter, and she was desperate to feel it again. For years she tried to return to the location where Therie came to her, but she was never able to recreate the experience. At least she wasn’t able to consciously remember it.

In any event, that’s why Emma recognized Therie twenty years later in hypnosis. She had no doubt her spirit guide was who she claimed to be, and that she could be trusted.

During our sessions, one entity became more persistent than the others. The only problem was that this being could not decrease its vibration to the point where meaningful contact could be made. Therie assured Emma the contact was vital and the only solution was to increase Emma’s vibration to meet them halfway.

As such, my client’s guide worked with us until Emma could link up with the being from the other side. This process took months, and while we grew impatient to understand what it was all about, Therie continued to assure us we would eventually have all our questions answered.

When Emma’s vibration level finally increased enough that she was able to talk to the being, she refused to tell me what it was saying. All I heard on my end was Emma’s persistent response, “I’m not telling Gen that. Nope, not going to do it.” This went on for several sessions, and I started to wonder if I was ever going to know what was being said.

Eventually, Emma’s contact offered her a deal of sorts. If she would step aside and let them speak, they would help her body heal so she could finally bear the life she longed for. She would finally be able to conceive and carry a baby to term. This was an offer akin to waving a fistful of candy bars in front of a young child. Emma, who still hadn’t achieved her greatest dream—and because Therie encouraged her to do it—signed up to simply step aside and let the contact give voice through her. She was as surprised as I was by the scope of information that came through.

The focus of this book is what we learned during that time. The being—which turned out to be multiple beings united in one light—not only answered every question I’ve ever had about existence, but they also relayed their purpose for making contact. That purpose was to warn the inhabitants of Earth of an upcoming evolution that would change human life as we have come to know it. Forever.

They explained something called a Celestial Contract, which is the ultimate contract every human makes with God—or the Universe, if you prefer—before incarnating into this world. If this vow is honored, all other contracts become null and void. This one pact is our purpose, it is our destiny, and yet it is something we largely remain unaware of.

AHL, our friends from beyond, explained that their message needs to reach people, to wake them up to their real purpose before the time of astronomical metamorphosis. In addition to explaining this contract, they shared Universal Truths so far beyond limited human understanding that it left me overwhelmed—and I had pursued answers to these questions my entire adult life.

The bottom line is that we are not alone, and we must allow the seed of the Divine to bloom within us before it’s too late.

We have no choice but to adhere to the terms of our Celestial Contract or reap the consequences.

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