Friday, May 10, 2019

Review : The Cowboy's Perfect Match

The Cowboy's Perfect Match by Cathy McDavid

(The Sweetheart Ranch)
Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Western,
Goodreads: Click
Purchase Link: Amazon | BN | Walmart eBooks 
Pages: 368
PublishedMay 1st 2019 by Harlequin Heartwarming
He may not be perfect...
but he's perfect for her!

Ryan DeMeres is definitely enjoying the perks of being Sweetheart Ranch's new wrangler - the best is working with head chef Bridget O'Malley. He's fallen head over spurs for the talented and determined beauty. There's just one hiccup - Bridget is holding out for Mr Right, and Ryan doesn't quite meet her requirements. But he's determined to win Bridget over, because though he may not be perfect, maybe their love could be.

Ryan enjoys flipping houses and while working on the house he's helping out at the Sweetheart Ranch as a wrangler. Bridget has standards when it comes to relationships and has a list shes going to stick to until she finds the right guy she's not going to bother but can't help but find herself attracted to Ryan. He doesn't match what her list requires but that doesn't stop the obvious attraction that's going on.

This was such a cute contemporary romance. I thought it was interesting seeing how far Bridget was letting her list mess with her love life, she made it for a good reason but rather then let it be an open suggestion she wanted to follow it to a T and it became a hinderance. I liked seeing that romance blooming between Ryan and Bridget both really liked eachother but had their own things going on and you can't help but root for them to be together. It really was a cute book and I really enjoyed it.

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